Monday, January 13, 2014

Understanding the latest media attention on Multivitamins

 Multivitamin's have been under fire in the media. In my course from ISSA I took to get my Fitness Certification we learned the important of multivitamins. It doesn't matter how great of a cook you are or how clean you eat, there is no way we can get ALL the nutrients and antioxidants we need.  
Here is a letter from Dr. Jamie McManus and her responds to the media.
Understanding the latest media attention on multivitamins
Many of you have probably seen the headlines regarding multivitamins and their inability to prevent chronic disease in the past few days – the result of three studies published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Starting from a 30,000-foot view, the premise of these studies is the first problem: looking at the use of a multivitamin alone as a way to prevent disease. The purpose of a multivitamin is to fill in nutritional gaps and provide optimum levels of vitamins and minerals. It is well established that the vast majority of Americans fail to obtain even adequate levels of these nutrients.
Prevention of any disease is a multi-factorial process that has to include diet, weight management, and lifestyle. To expect to see disease prevention accomplished by virtue of taking a daily multivitamin is a flawed premise. So, why are these large-scale (and very expensive) studies undertaken? It is simply the model of research that scientists and physicians understand – studying a single drug to determine what effect it may have on a single disease. Studying nutrition is far more complex.
While a drug has a primary effect (usually something positive), they also have a myriad of side effects (which are usually negative and even life threatening). Every year pharmaceuticals are removed from the market because of these serious side effects. A study published in JAMA in 1998 showed that as many as 125,000 Americans die each year of properly prescribed pharmaceuticals – wow! When was the last time a vitamin was removed from the market?
Vitamins and minerals all have multiple positive functional roles to play in our bodies – which is why so many Americans pop a multi each day. People simply feel better when they take a multi because they are filling in those all too common nutrition gaps.
All three of these studies showed that multivitamins have an excellent safety profile. Well, of course they do! The only “potential harm” that continues to be mentioned every time we have a study such as this published is the slight increased risk of lung cancer in smokers who took beta carotene. My response to that is – smokers: stop smoking!
Let me quickly summarize these studies. The largest one is another report from the Physician Health Study – previous publications of data from this large government funded study did show an association of reduced cancer associated with multivitamin usage.
The next study looked at cognitive decline in physicians – who are at the upper end of the intelligence scale and pretty well nourished. Showing a significant change in cognitive decline in this population is going to take some intervention beyond a multi – as this population is most likely doing lots of the right things to protect their brain function.
The third study tried to show that higher doses of specific vitamins decrease the likelihood of a second heart attack in folks who have already had a heart attack. Hmmm. Maybe we should look at weight reduction, cholesterol, blood pressure lowering, and blood sugar management as opposed to putting the burden of prevention of a second heart attack in someone with heart disease on vitamins!
I have been recommending a multivitamin (and beyond) to my patients, and consumers in general, for my entire 30 years as a physician – and nothing in these studies changes my mind. The statistics on inadequacies in our American diet are clear – most everyone is deficient in multiple nutrients. Here at Shaklee, we have the Landmark Study, published in the journal Nutrition in 2007 that showed a nice correlation of better health with multiple supplement usage, starting with a multivitamin. We have over 100 published studies that validate the connection of nutrition and health. I urge you to continue taking your Shaklee supplements – but also, to remember the importance of eating healthfully, avoiding fast foods, and getting to a healthy weight on your journey to better health.
Be well!
 Have a great day!! 


Friday, January 10, 2014

10 Key Steps to Understanding The Shaklee Diffence

In my last post I talked about supplements and the importance on doing your research on them before buying.  Read it here.  I have talked about Shaklee supplements so I thought I would share a great letter from Dr. Jamie McManus and the Shaklee difference.

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Jamie back in my for Women's Health Event. (She's the one in the blue dress) We were all suppose to wear hats for this event like, I didn't want to wear mine for the picture. LOL I'm the one on the far left.

A Letter From Dr. Jamie McManus

How Well Do You Understand the Shaklee Difference?

Dear Shaklee Family:

Shaklee products – and the quality and science behind them – are unmatched in the industry. But how familiar are you with the many elements of the Shaklee Difference?
Even if you think you know what makes this company and our products stand apart from the rest, refresh your knowledge with this list of :

Ten Key Steps that we take to ensure that Shaklee supplements are the best in the marketplace:

1. Shaklee conducts more than 100,000 tests annually to ensure the safety and efficacy of our products.
2. Each and every lot of Shaklee products is 100% tested to ensure and guarantee that each and every ingredient that is part of our label claims is present in the appropriate amounts.
3. All ingredients in Shaklee products are qualified under the incredibly stringent Shaklee protocol, unique in the industry, which tests for up to 350 chemical contaminants including pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, solvent residues, etc.
4. Our Shaklee scientists create formulations so that the key active ingredients are included at clinically efficacious levels, often significantly higher than many companies in the market.
5. Each product is formulated with nutritional ingredients that have been extensively studied to confirm safety and efficacy. Our products don’t follow “fads” but incorporate scientific and/or epidemiologic evidence of need and benefit.
6. Shaklee employs advanced delivery systems to enhance bioavailability – and these systems are tested to confirm their nutrient delivery advantages.
7. All ingredients must be acceptable from the standpoint of the Shaklee philosophy, as well as detailed scrutiny as to their safety. We don’t simply accept the Certificate of Analysis that many other companies accept but, rather, retest for contaminants to confirm the Certificate of Analysis is accurate.
8. Shaklee has an unwavering commitment to avoid the use of artificial flavours, sweeteners, and added preservatives. We use only non-genetically modified soy protein.
9. Shaklee developed many of the standards and protocols for manufacturing that are now referred to as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
10. Ongoing proof of our product performance is demonstrated by:
  • More than 100 scientific publications, 90-plus in peer-reviewed journals
  • The Landmark Study, the only study of its kind, which showed that people who took Shaklee supplements over a period of 20 years had markedly better health than both single-multivitamin and non-supplement users
  • Shaklee products powering athletes to win 125 medals
  • Shaklee products fuelling world explorers, 7 of Time-Life’s Greatest Adventures of All Time, and NASA space shuttle astronauts with a special rehydration product (called Astro-Ade)
Add to this list our accomplishments and awards in the area of environmental leadership and responsibility, and you’ll see why I’m truly proud to be part of this company, where integrity, quality, and social responsibility are our standards, and where making people and the planet healthier is our mission.
Shaklee is all about helping people take control of their future health by virtue of their choices today. My 16 years as a practising family physician led me to believe even more strongly that prevention is where the future of medicine must go. Research confirms that nutrition, weight control, and wise supplementation can powerfully impact your vitality today and your health in the future, and I believe that we can redefine wellness in the coming years. Thank you for all that you’re doing to share Shaklee products and the Shaklee Difference with so many. Together we’re making a BIG difference in the health of the world!
Be well!
Jamie McManus, MD, FAAFP
Jamie McManus, MD, FAAFP
Chair of Medical Affairs, Health Sciences, and Education for Shaklee Corporation


       Have a fabulous day!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sports Nutrition Part 1

Happy Tuesday
Today I am going to start a 3 part series on what I do Before, During and After each workout to get the best results I can get.
There are so many products out there at the.......
Gym, Supermarkets, Health Stores...........
How do you know who to believe to help you with you over all performance. I suggest you do you research and do what's best for you. More details to come about this.
Here are some of my tips for what I do before I workout. 
You want to make sure you eat a good meal before working out unless you are practicing Yoga then you need to eat at least 3 hours before Yoga.
When choosing a meal you want to make sure it a good source of protein and carbohydrates. It is so important to stay hydrated. 30 minutes before your workout you should drink at least 8oz of water.
 Caffeine from Green Tea, Coffee or a Vitamin B and Vitamin D can help you with you ENERGY. Vitamin B & D help with your MOOD, Clarity and Focus. Vitamin B also helps convert protein and Carbs to physical energy and helps with the production of cells in creating Red Blood Cells.
Before I work out I drink my water and take an Energy Chew to give me the Burst of Energy I need to complete my workouts. I also mix up a performance Drink for during my workouts which we will talk about in Part 2.

Before heading to the gym I make sure I put on a cute workout outfit, I put my make up on and do my hair with a cute curled pony tail or a braid. Right before you walk into the gym put a smile on your face and walk into the gym like you own it.

Okay you say What she does her hair and make up before working out??? Yes I totally do every time. I don't do this to impress anyone or to pick up a guy. Hello I'm happily married for a most 10 years. So why do I worry about what I look like. Well I do it for myself. If I feel better about myself I have more continence in the gym and I work harder. Now you may not want to put make up on or do your hair that's totally fine. Just head into any workout with confidence!

These are my chew of choice. Below are all the wonderful details about them!

Healthy Energy on Demand

Finally, a healthy alternative to high calorie, high volume energy drinks! Scientifically formulated Shaklee Energy™ contains the right ingredients to help energize your body and support alertness, focus, cognitive
  • Energy-releasing B vitamins, immune-supporting vitamin C and bone-building vitamin D
  • Key amino acids L-tyrosine and L-theanine associated with mental alertness and focus*
  • Natural caffeine from green tea extract associated with energy and performance*
  • No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or added preservatives and it's gluten free
    Healthy ingredients work fast to help:*
  • Sustain energy
  • Improve performance
  • Stay alert
  • Sharpen focus
  • Improve mood
Want more details?  Click Here 

There is so much more to talk about before a work out if you would like more details or have questions PLEASE email me or leave a comment and I will get back to you!

Have a fabulous day!


Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!!!


Let's make 2014 the BEST Year yet!!!

What do you want to accomplish in 2014?

Did you know that only 8% of people complete their new years resolutions!!!

Let's change this statistic this year!!

Have you made your resolutions already?


When making a goal or resolution you need to be realistic. You can always add and increase your goals as you meet them.


When making goals you need to fully commit yourself to your goals. If a whole year feels overwhelming try and commit to at least 90 days if you can finish


Hold yourself accountable. Write down your goals, share your goals with a spouse, friend or post on social media.  Post a note with your goals somewhere you can see.

Want to join me on a 30 day AB and Squat Challenge???? Below is the challenge!

 Leave a comment saying you are in. This will be fun!!!
Need help with a workout routine? Advice on how to eat clean, Lose weight, going green, skin care, safe non toxic cleaning products, how to treat illness with herbal medicine. Emails or leave a comment for more details. I'm here to help!  


Checks out this great motivating video.


Have a wonderful day!


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